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Here you can find ALL Bruce's Show Results in theoriginal language:
Vantaa 5.9.2020 MARI PALGI, Estonia: Val EH, Champion Class VG
Hyvinkää 21.7.2019 JOS DEKKER, The Netherlands: Val Eri 1 SA PU4 - Champion Class 1st CQ, Best Dog 4
Tuusula 7.7.2019 Nord Show, BILL ROGERSON, England: Val ERI 1 SA PU1 Nord-SERT, ROP - Best Of Breed
Tuusniemi 6.7.2019 Group Show, STEFAN SINKO, Slovenia: VAL ERI 2 SA - Champion Class 2nd CQ
Sundsvall, Sweden 21.4.2019 Svensk Vinnare 2019 International Dog Show, MARGARETHA CARLSSON, Sweden: VAK ERI1 SA, PU1, SERT, CACIB, ROP - Best Male, Best Of Breed, CACIB, Swedish CAC.
Vilna, Liettua - Vilnius Lithuania 23.12.2018. Christmas Cup '18 KV, HASSI ASSENMACHER-FEYEL: AVO ERI1, SERT. Res-CACIB -> CACIB - Open 1st, CAC, Res-CACIB - > CACIB
Vilna, Liettua - Vilnius Lithuania 22.12.2018. Vilnius Winter '18 KV, SAIJA JUUTILAINEN: AVO ERI 2, Open 2nd
Vilna, Liettua - Vilnius Lithuania 21.12.2018. Litexpo Cup '18 KV, SYLVIE DESSERNE: AVO ERI 1, SERT, Res-CACIB -> CACIB -> C.I.B. - Open 1st, CAC, Res-CACIB -> CACIB -> International Champion!
Helsinki Winner 15.12.2018, Nord, ANNA KOCHAN: AVO ERI AVK1 SA, PU1, NORD SERT, ROP, Helsinki Winner -18 - Best Male, Best Of Breed, CACIB, Helsinki Winner -18 title.
Tallinna, Viro - Tallinn, Estonia 22.9.2018 KV RUTH WAGNER: AVO ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, SERT, CACIB, ROP - Best Male, CAC, CACIB, Best Of Breed
Espoo 8.9.2018 Erikoisnäyttely SMITH ANNE: AVO-EH- Open VG
Porvoo 8.9.2018 RUSKOVAARA ELENA: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, ROP - Best Male, Best Of Breed
Heinola 19.8.2018 (Heinola KR )ROHLIN TOMAS: AVO-ERI AVK3 SA - Open 3rd with CQ
Kouvola 18.8.2018 TAMMELIN TUULA-MAIJA: AVO-ERI AVK2 SA - Open 2nd with CQ
Helsinki 10.12.2017 (Voittaja 2017) SKALIN NATALJA, AVO-ERI AVK1 PU2 SA, CACIB - 2nd Best Male, CACIB
Tampere 26.11.2017 (Hau-Hau Dog Show 2017 - Tampere KV) RUSKOVAARA ELENA: AVO-EH - Open VG
Muldestausee, Saksa - Germany 12.11.2017 ( Erikoisnäyttely Deutscher Collie Club, Sachsen Winner) THOMAS ROHLIN, ERI 1, SERT, VDH SERT - Open 1st, CAC, VDH CAC
Lepzig, Saksa-Germany 11.11.2017 (World Dog Show 2017) HARALD STEINMETZ: AVO ERI 1, SA, VDH-SERT - Open 1st, VDH CAC
Helsinki 11.8.2017 (Colliet Pääerikoisnäyttely) BEADEN GWEN: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, ROP, BIS2 - Best Male, Best Of Breed, Res- Best In Show
Ylivieska 8.7.2017 (Ylivieska KV) REYNIERS RITA: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU3 SA - 3rd Best Male
Helsinki 20.5.2017 (Royal Canin Show 2017) LUSCOTT JEFF: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, ROP, SERT, CACIB - Best Male, CAC, CACIB, Best Of Breed
Salo 13.5.2017, WOGAN ELISABETH: AVO-ERI AVK4, Open 4th
Lahti 25.3.2017 KV, NEWHOUSE ROBIN: AVO-ERI AVK2 - Open 2nd
Lahti 2.4.2016 KV, BAKER ROY: AVO-ERI AVK2 SA - Open 2nd CQ
Joensuu 9.8.2015 (Elo-Karelia), SEARLE ROBIN: NUO-H - Open -G
Joensuu 8.8.2015 (Elo-Karelia)YOUNG KEVIN: NUO-ERI NUK2 - Intermediate 2nd
Laukaa 12.7.2015 LAWLESS PAUL: NUO-ERI NUK1 PU2 SA, SERT - 2nd Best Male, CAC
Nastola 11.7.2015 WAUBEN JOHN: NUO-ERI NUK1 SA, Intermediate 1st CQ
Helsinki 7.12.2014 (Voittaja 2014) REKIRANTA PAULA: JUN-EH - Junior VG
Helsinki 6.12.2014 (Helsinki Winner 2014) WAGNER RUTH: JUN-ERI JUK1 PU1 SA, VSP, SERT, HeW-14, HeJW-14 - Best Male, BOS, CAC, Helsinki Junior Winner - 14 and Helsinki Winner -14 titles
Helsinki 8.8.2014 (FCI World Dog Show 2014) VUORINEN RAINER: PEK1, ROP-PEN - Best Puppy In Breed
- Melko voimakas, keskikokoinen. Vahva kuono-osa ja leuat. Turhaa voimakkuutta kallossa. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Pienet, hyvin käytetyt korvat. Keskipitkä kaula. Tanakka runko. Luisu lantio. Matala kinner. Hyvä polvikulma. Koira liikkuu keskipitkällä askeleella ja riittävällä työnnöllä. Hyvä musta väri.
- Critique currently missing.
Hyvinkää 21.7.2019 JOS DEKKER, The Netherlands: Val Eri 1 SA PU4 - Champion Class 1st CQ, Best Dog 4
- Full selfconfident, nice type head, can carry ear well, Nice eye. Underjaw just strong enough. Good head plains. Nice chest & body. Good shape of loin. Good rear movement, loose in front. Very nice coat. He is of nobility and he knows it.
Tuusula 7.7.2019 Nord Show, BILL ROGERSON, England: Val ERI 1 SA PU1 Nord-SERT, ROP - Best Of Breed
- Beautiful tricolour dog with super head. Dark eyes. Excellent ear carriage. Good reach of neck. Level topline. Good tail length which he carried correctly on the move. Movements are very good. Dog in excellent condition and temperament. A worthy champion!
Tuusniemi 6.7.2019 Group Show, STEFAN SINKO, Slovenia: VAL ERI 2 SA - Champion Class 2nd CQ
- 5 years. Good head proportions to body. Correct bite. Lovely body proportions. Good front, neck and topline. Correct front and hind quarters. Presents himself in good coat & condition. Correct tail set. Excellent movement.
Sundsvall, Sweden 21.4.2019 Svensk Vinnare 2019 International Dog Show, MARGARETHA CARLSSON, Sweden: VAK ERI1 SA, PU1, SERT, CACIB, ROP - Best Male, Best Of Breed, CACIB, Swedish CAC.
- Champion hane av utmärkt kvalitet. Vacker silhuett. Härlig könsprägel. Välburna öron tilsammans med mörka ögon ger ett korrekt uttryck. Mycket vacker hals och övelinje. Utmärkt vinklad runt om. Härlig has. Rör sig med mycket bra drive i steget. Vacker päls i utmärkt kondition. Välpresenterad. Trevligt temperament.
- Tricolour 5 years. Lovely breed type. Upstanding male. His bone is super. Excellent neck. Correct length of back. Lovely fill of foreface, dark eye. Super eye. His coat is in wonderful condition, jet black & beautifully presented. He moves well in all directions. Very well handled. Ticked every box for me.
Vilna, Liettua - Vilnius Lithuania 23.12.2018. Christmas Cup '18 KV, HASSI ASSENMACHER-FEYEL: AVO ERI1, SERT. Res-CACIB -> CACIB - Open 1st, CAC, Res-CACIB - > CACIB
Vilna, Liettua - Vilnius Lithuania 22.12.2018. Vilnius Winter '18 KV, SAIJA JUUTILAINEN: AVO ERI 2, Open 2nd
Vilna, Liettua - Vilnius Lithuania 21.12.2018. Litexpo Cup '18 KV, SYLVIE DESSERNE: AVO ERI 1, SERT, Res-CACIB -> CACIB -> C.I.B. - Open 1st, CAC, Res-CACIB -> CACIB -> International Champion!
Helsinki Winner 15.12.2018, Nord, ANNA KOCHAN: AVO ERI AVK1 SA, PU1, NORD SERT, ROP, Helsinki Winner -18 - Best Male, Best Of Breed, CACIB, Helsinki Winner -18 title.
- Strong bones, Excellent body. Really nice male head and expression. Well developed chest and forechest. Correct neck. Excellent angulation and topline. Very good movement. Wonderful coat and colour.
Tallinna, Viro - Tallinn, Estonia 22.9.2018 KV RUTH WAGNER: AVO ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, SERT, CACIB, ROP - Best Male, CAC, CACIB, Best Of Breed
- 4 years, excellent head and expression. Correct bone substance, correct in body, correct angulations, correct when standing and excellent moving. Good coat texture.
Espoo 8.9.2018 Erikoisnäyttely SMITH ANNE: AVO-EH- Open VG
- Nicely coated tricolour with good bone and outline. Headand back too short. Upper armis streight nd he is squere in movement. (Copied from Koiranet database.)
Porvoo 8.9.2018 RUSKOVAARA ELENA: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, ROP - Best Male, Best Of Breed
- Muhkeakarvainen, maskuliininen, erinom. tyyppinen, komea uros. Erinom. ilmeikäs, mallikas pää. Hyvät silmät, varmat korvat, vahva kaula, tilava runko. Varma-asentoinen häntä. Takaliike on kapea. Hienot, joustavat sivuliikkeet ja erinom. esiintyminen.
Heinola 19.8.2018 (Heinola KR )ROHLIN TOMAS: AVO-ERI AVK3 SA - Open 3rd with CQ
- 4 years. Good length of head, a bit steep in back skull, prominent cheeks, excellent muzzle, good underjaw. Dark, pretty eye, well-carried a bit wide set ears. Nice body proportions. Good neck, excellent bone & ribcage. Very good angulations back & forth. Acceptable tail. Excellent coat texture & jet black colour. Moves very well side & behind, a bit unstable in front. Very good temperament.
Kouvola 18.8.2018 TAMMELIN TUULA-MAIJA: AVO-ERI AVK2 SA - Open 2nd with CQ
- 4-vuotias. Tyylikäs kokonaisuus. Pitkälinjainen. Erittäin miellyttävä pää ja ilme. Hyvä perusrakenne. Kaunis ylälinja. Erinomainen turkki ja laatu. Liikkuu vakaasti ja antaumuksella.
Helsinki 10.12.2017 (Voittaja 2017) SKALIN NATALJA, AVO-ERI AVK1 PU2 SA, CACIB - 2nd Best Male, CACIB
- 3 years old. Excellent bone. Good substance. Masculine head. Well-rounded muzzle. Good underjaw. Correct stop. Nice eyes. Good ears. Enough long neck. Good topline & tail carriage. Well-developed chest. Good angulations. Movement well covering ground. Excellent coat.
Tampere 26.11.2017 (Hau-Hau Dog Show 2017 - Tampere KV) RUSKOVAARA ELENA: AVO-EH - Open VG
- Erinom. tyyppinen hienoilmeinen uros. Kauniisti täyttynyt kuono. Erinom. silmät. Hyvä voima rungossa. Riittävästi kaulaa. Hyvä takaosa. Karva vaihtumassa. Reipas liikkuja. Tarpeeksi yhdensuuntainen askellus. Valitettavasti rullaa häntäänsä kovin korkealle liikkuessaan. Puhutteleva pää ja ilme.
Muldestausee, Saksa - Germany 12.11.2017 ( Erikoisnäyttely Deutscher Collie Club, Sachsen Winner) THOMAS ROHLIN, ERI 1, SERT, VDH SERT - Open 1st, CAC, VDH CAC
- 3 years, nice head piece. Nice, flat skull, exc. muzzle, a bit cheeky. Pretty dark eye, good ears, exc. body proportions, good neck, exc. bone & ribcage. Enough angulation in front, good behind, acceptable tail, beautifully presented coat of correct texture. Moves very well, a bit unstable in front. Exc. temperament.
Lepzig, Saksa-Germany 11.11.2017 (World Dog Show 2017) HARALD STEINMETZ: AVO ERI 1, SA, VDH-SERT - Open 1st, VDH CAC
Helsinki 11.8.2017 (Colliet Pääerikoisnäyttely) BEADEN GWEN: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, ROP, BIS2 - Best Male, Best Of Breed, Res- Best In Show
- 3 years old tricolour dog in full coat of correct texture. Excellent conformation with good shoulder placement. Well bend stifle and correct let down hock. A shorter head type but he is balanced with good underjaw. well filled muzzle. Small ears. Dark eye. In the move he is excellent covering the ground easily and holding his topline at all times.
Ylivieska 8.7.2017 (Ylivieska KV) REYNIERS RITA: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU3 SA - 3rd Best Male
- 3 years. Very good in type. Good size and proportions in head and body. Correct bite. Masculine head, dark eyes of correct shape. Good ear set, well carried. Nice topline. Excellent croup with exc. tailset. Just enough forechest. Very deep brisket. Exc. hind quarters. Very good coat texture. Typical feet. Sound in movement in front and rear.
Helsinki 20.5.2017 (Royal Canin Show 2017) LUSCOTT JEFF: AVO-ERI AVK1 PU1 SA, ROP, SERT, CACIB - Best Male, CAC, CACIB, Best Of Breed
- Impressive boy. Good stamp. Strong muzzle, head & jaw. Good ears when used. Good built through front, shoulders, topline, chest & rear quarters. Goes well on the move, accurate covering the ground.
Salo 13.5.2017, WOGAN ELISABETH: AVO-ERI AVK4, Open 4th
- Good overall balance. Good neck. Good topline. Good body condition. Good front and hind assembly. Pleasing head & expression. Showed and moved well.
Lahti 25.3.2017 KV, NEWHOUSE ROBIN: AVO-ERI AVK2 - Open 2nd
- Very good head balance. Correct eye and ear set. Good neck. Very good body and top. Correct rib. Correct bone and feet. Very good front, back and side profile.
Lahti 2.4.2016 KV, BAKER ROY: AVO-ERI AVK2 SA - Open 2nd CQ
- Most attractive tricolour. Pleasing head with everything in proportion. Ears carried very well. Very good angulations all around. Nicely rounded quarters. Tail tends to lift too much, but no dog is perfect.
Joensuu 9.8.2015 (Elo-Karelia), SEARLE ROBIN: NUO-H - Open -G
- Nice temperament. Nice size with good bone. Good depth of chest. Terrible tail. Head is quite wrong. Top of the skull to Adam's apple is too deep, Too wide across the skull. Because of his head and tail his grade is good.
Joensuu 8.8.2015 (Elo-Karelia)YOUNG KEVIN: NUO-ERI NUK2 - Intermediate 2nd
- Very nice in head & expression. Good reach of neck. Plenty of depth of forechest. Good bone & substance. Good rear angulation. Presented in good coat & condition for the age. Tail carriage spoils the outline when moving.
Laukaa 12.7.2015 LAWLESS PAUL: NUO-ERI NUK1 PU2 SA, SERT - 2nd Best Male, CAC
- 18 months. Good size. Muzzle line falls of slightly. Nice eye and expression. He flares out in skull. Ears good size, well placed. Good bone. I would prefer his feet a little tighter. Nice reach of neck. Good topline. Angulations good front & rear. Very nice type. Nicely balanced side gait, could be a little cleaner coming.
Nastola 11.7.2015 WAUBEN JOHN: NUO-ERI NUK1 SA, Intermediate 1st CQ
- 18 months, well developed masculine type, good proportions, correct masculine head, parallel. Good expression, correct ears, good muzzle, good neck & topline, well angulated. Well developed body, good muscle & bone. Sufficient strong feet. Correct coat, nice tricolour. Very nice temperament. Movement with drive. Tail carried high.
Helsinki 7.12.2014 (Voittaja 2014) REKIRANTA PAULA: JUN-EH - Junior VG
- Erittäin hyvä tyyppi & mittasuhteet. Vahva urosmainen pää. Hieman kiinalainen ilme. Raskaat korvat. Pystyt lavat & suora olkavarsi. Hyvä rintakehän syvyys. Hyvät takakulmaukset. Erinomainen luusto ja käpälät. Hieman lyhyt häntä., joka nousee liikkeessä. Erinomainen askelpituus ja tehokas liike.
Helsinki 6.12.2014 (Helsinki Winner 2014) WAGNER RUTH: JUN-ERI JUK1 PU1 SA, VSP, SERT, HeW-14, HeJW-14 - Best Male, BOS, CAC, Helsinki Junior Winner - 14 and Helsinki Winner -14 titles
- 11 months old. Excellent head & expression. Correct topline. Correct angulations in front & behind. Wished more forechest. Correct in standing and moving.
Helsinki 8.8.2014 (FCI World Dog Show 2014) VUORINEN RAINER: PEK1, ROP-PEN - Best Puppy In Breed
- Kaunis pentu. Hyvä, tasainen pää. Kauniit silmät. Hyvä ylälinja. Hienot kulmaukset. Hieman raskaat korvat vielä. Korvien ympäriltä on karvat trimmattava. Hyvä häntä. Tiiviit käpälät. Kauniit liikkeet.